Rise and Fall by Page One Theatre

Creating anything from scratch is always a risky and vulnerable process. But it’s so worth it. It felt like a scary and exciting endeavour to create a piece for children without a narrative. We usually create our material based on some form of a story or a poem even though it’s always quite abstract, but with this piece we solely focused on the material and essence of a balloon in all different sizes. We learned that they create such strong images that in a way it is not a one woman show, but an ensemble piece. All elements equally important. Balloons, sounds, performer, space, light. All these pieces come together as one and create their own kind of composition and logic. So thankful to have learned so much from this process that developed over two and a half years. Here is a picture from the very first day of our research back in March 2016.

The piece is now touring London. For dates see here.

Balloon research 2.jpg